One way of knowing how the customers like the Salon’s services and products are by asking their opinions. Ways to manga negative reviews are given below.

Though it is possible by asking in-person, it is a time-consuming and tiring process.  So, why not take advantage of technology?

Nowadays, the website has become the best medium to collect Salon’s client’s reviews.  These reviews could be negative and positive as well.  

Of course, the positive reviews can direct new clients at your Salon door, but, what about the negative reviews? 

You must be known to the fact that clients prefer to check the reviews to know the quality of service your Salon is providing. Hence, when they read the negative reviews, they drop their plan to take the services from you. This is largely due to the fact that negative experiences are much more meaningful to people and they are eager to share them with others. 

And, these reviews can form a certain attitude towards a beauty salon. There is a possibility that they will go ahead and leave their opinions on social media groups or specialized sites. In such cases, it becomes very difficult to control the situation and promptly respond to new reviews.

Hence, it is of utmost importance to know how to control the negative reviews in a timely manner so that it cannot damage Salon’s reputation.  Taking it into consideration, we are giving you the most solid ways to get rid of this chaos. Find them all below:

7 best ways to manage Salon’s negative reviews

Listen to a client in a beauty salon

Find a suitable place for a conversation, have patience, courage, attention, do not interrupt a dissatisfied client, let them speak. If you don’t listen to the client, then:

  • you will not understand why they have posted negative reviews;
  • it will not be possible to extinguish the negative because for this the client needs to at least speak out;
  • the opportunity to explain your point of view will pass.

Until the client has expressed everything that has “boiled over”, they will not listen to you. You need to allow them to pour out the soul, only after that, you can have a valuable conversation.  When the client expresses a complaint, be calm, and periodically, insert sympathetic phrases.

Express emotions, and sympathize

There is a phrase: “The client is always right.” It can be reformulated: “The client is not always right, but they have the right to express their emotions.” 

When you respond to the negative reviews from an unhappy customer at a beauty salon, that right must be recognized. In addition, the client expects sympathy.

Let’s consider the situation. You are the head of the train, an upset passenger comes up to you and says: “The guide makes me send my dog ​​to a special compartment.” You can answer like this: “Yes, these are the rules. Your dog cannot ride with all passengers, otherwise, their rights will be violated. ” 

Of course, you are right, but a disappointed client will accept rejection much easier if you formulate the answer differently: “I am very sorry that your dog will not be able to ride with you. A dog is waiting for me at home too, I understand your feelings, the dogs long for their owners … “. Thus, you must first listen to the client, repeat the essence of the negative reviews, recognize the justice of their emotions and empathize.


If you really made a mistake, admit it. Nobody is perfect and sooner or later they will screw up everything. An apology is an integral part of the answer. It is their offended client who wants to get them in the first place. 

By apologizing, you will neutralize the negativity, and also set your clients up for a constructive dialogue. In addition, you need to try to find a solution to the problem and offer it to the client. Remember – the solution must be in the client’s favor. Even if it may not be very convenient for you.

Avoid formulaic responses

This is the fault of many Salons. They make up a universal answer in the style of “Thank you, your opinion is very important to us” and put it wherever possible and impossible. 

We have to disappoint you; these kinds of responses are not negative processing. This is just an unsubscribe. Try to consider each situation, each case, and each appeal on an individual basis. The user will take this as a concern, so, try to find your own communication style and stick to it.

Act promptly

A properly processed negative is a negative processed here and now. In this case, the probability that the negative will remain within the same Internet site increases significantly. There are many known cases when the client did not wait for any intelligible answer from the company, was even more offended, and went to post the negative reviews on many, many websites.

So, what you can do is to use the Salon software to send notifications to the managers just when the negative review is submitted.  If promptly helps the manager to handle the negative reviews, also, when their presence is not in the Salon.

Despite how you are dealing with the reviews, assure that the process is done in a quick manner.  The typical situation is before the client is leaving after the services from the Salon.  If it is not probable, then, you can get in touch with them by phone quickly.  When the client is approached on a prompt basis, then, you can stop the negative review from running online.

Do not forget that interacting on the phone or face to face assures that the dissatisfied client cannot publicize the private message or email conversation.

Address the feedback

Assure that the customer’s feedback is addressed when the clients are taking the time to share opinions with you.  Before starting the feedback system, do build a feedback process to find how to catch issues, who holds them, and how to track them until they are resolved.

Although some issues are easy to solve, creating a feedback process ensures that more complex issues result in a lack of shuffle. After solving the problem, assure that you always contact your customers to inform them in person. This particular style makes customers aware of their feedback and provides you with the possibility to turn dissatisfied customers into potential ones.

Overwhelm negative reviews with positive reviews

It does not matter how good your Salon staff is, there may perpetually be at least some negative review. Large companies will always get more negative reviews online. After you cannot delete negative reviews, then, you can overwhelm them with the positive ones.

You must have assured that you are asking for reviews consistently. When customers leave a review, do not forget to request for their consent to share the comments online. It is as easy as a checkbox as they can tick before submitting the feedback.

To make the deal work in favor of you, you can give them some sweeten deals.  It is better to provide bonus loyalty points to the clients who permit you to share the reviews. You can also offer loyalty points to those who like to address their opinions on the third-party website, such as, Yelp and Google.

Drown the Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and also, your Salon service menu with the actual real reviews and you can flood the negative reviews effectively.

Wrapping Up

Ignoring the negative reviews is not going to give your Salon the fruitful results. So, it is better to solve them on an urgent basis.  Try to give better responses to the negative reviews as it gives you an opportunity to:

  • Be human
  • Be genuine
  • Be understanding

But, do not make any mistake, the users will be estimating the response to the negative reviews. However, they do not demand you to be accurate all the time. 

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The useful response to negative reviews simply sets themselves on the customer’s opinions, they feel open and honest, and confirm that they will do their best to correct the problem.

So, how do you find reverting back to the negative reviews?


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