More and more celebrities have started advocating the need to focus on mental health. Lots of them have even started sharing their stories and struggles with depression, anxiety, and stress.

What’s crucial at the moment is to decrease the stigma, generate awareness and take actionable steps to combat the negative feelings. Public figures like lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, Oprah Winfrey haven’t just opened about their fears, they have also shared their personal strategies for self-care.

On some days, I would fight my blues by making use of my Optimum Internet only deals to catch an episode or two of Friends. But I know I need healthier strategies. I like how celebs are sharing tips for boosting their mental health. These are some of the best ones:

1. Lady Gaga

The pop singer has finally learned how to say no. Year after year of saying yes to events, jobs, and interviews, Lady Gaga has finally learned to say no. She revealed that accepting every offer and opportunity made her automatic. It made her inner voice shut down. She realized that’s very unhealthy.  Now, she is empowered to say NO.

2. Demi Lovato

Demi is an advocate of putting yourself first. While it’s great to help others, over her journey to better mental health, she realized it’s also important to dedicate “me time.” After all, once you are dedicated to your own treatment plan, only then you can help others.

3. Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez wasn’t able to keep it all together because of suffering mentally and emotionally. She wasn’t able to smile. Pain and anxiety exhausted her. Those days were the scariest moments of her life. She sought support and fortunately, doctors were able to give her a diagnosis.

She got educated about her condition. She found a lot of help from doctors and people throughout her personal journey. Even though it hasn’t all gone away, she is now in better control of her emotions and thoughts.

4. Lena Dunham

She promised herself that she won’t skip exercising even though she is super busy with parenthood. It has helped her with anxiety in numerous ways. Lena Dunham has been struggling with depression, anxiety, and OCD.  She says it took her 16 years to listen to the advice of exercising.

5. Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker says she used to hide her anxiety. She felt that too many people depend on her and she can’t feel anxious. Until she talked about her feeling she could feel the pressure releasing. It’s important to vent it out. Now, she doesn’t hesitate in saying that she is nervous and anxious over a situation.

6. Mandy Moore

Mandy Moore has realized that self-care is important – whether it’s spending the night by yourself, going to therapy or taking a long bath, do whatever makes you feel good.

7. Michelle Obama

Things have been very tough for the former first lady, Michelle Obama. Whenever she felt overwhelmed, she used to call in the cavalry for putting her mind to ease and feel herself again. Whenever the going gets tough, she used to reach out to her mother, friends, and gilfriends. She would vent and release the thunder inside her.

8. Oprah Winfrey

When it comes to self-care and celebrities mental health no one does it better than the queen herself, Oprah Winfrey. Sundays are for spiritual renewal. She does nothing on Sundays. She sits in her pajamas all day, takes a walk and allows herself to be “herself.”

9. Prince Harry

After the death of his mother, Prince Harry had a lot of grief and anger on his plate. His way of dealing with it was sticking his head in the sand and refusing to think about his mother.

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However, when he started to have a few conversations about her, his grief started coming to the forefront. This made him realize there is a lot of stuff inside him that he needs to deal with. If we keep quiet and bury the feelings, this could make it worse.

10. Michael Phillips

Michael Phelps confessed that he goes through depression daily. He has accepted it and he wants people to know it’s OK. We need to be more open and not compartmentalize things. Otherwise, it will blow up like a bomb at any point.

Taking care of your mental health is as important as getting Optimum Plans speed to enjoy a good browsing experience. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety or any other Celebrities Mental Health problem, get help because it CAN and WILL get better.


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